< ht Ben's Blog: 2006-07-02 Ben

Ben's Blog

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Celebration Time; Come On!


I just got my university results through (odd since it is a Saturday and I wasn't expecting to get anything through till Monday at least). I'm glad to say I passed: I got a 2:2 BA Hons in Media and Cultural Studies... thank god, I don't think I could bear another year.

Also, in the post came my copy of New Super Mario Bros... an hour later I had already passed where my girlfriend was up to (i've never played Mario before) despite her having the game for over a week. Now, literally an hour later i'm on world two... at this rate I might finish the game before the end of the day... god, sometimes I hate being so good :p (just kidding, as Luke will tell you i'm usually crap)

Anyway, off to start celebrating!

Friday, July 07, 2006

I hate waiting on things...

I am meant to be at a party right now but...

Waiting for my university results have put me on a permanent downer for the past few weeks. I want to know what I've got and I want to know now!

Also, I'm still waiting on a couple of job applications, one company still hasn't gotten back to me to confirm they received my application.



Petrol+Diesel x cut finger = OUCH!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

It's Fate I Tell Thee...

I had a great day out today, really refreshing to get away from the computer and out of the house. The day didn't start off brilliantly with Anita leaving her phone at home despite telling me she'd ring me when she was up Halton Lea. So I got bored of waiting around, and decided to head up the there anyway... the way I figured it is that i'm looking for a wireless router so that I can do my MobGames stuff downstairs where it's more attuned to working rather than upstairs where a lot of my entertainment stuff is like my gaming PC and TV etc.

So after walking there (it's only 10 minutes away from mine) I arrived in Argos and low and behold there was Anita with her mum and her two nieces. Fate, must be. Either way we eventually set off around a few of the shops with Anita looking at some last minute holidays. Not sure if we'll be going abroad this year together since we're going on holiday later this month. I might be a bit strapped for cash to with my mates pestering me to come with them to either Riga or a small town 90 miles north of Oslo in November. If we do go away it might only be to Dublin or Paris for the weekend, which will be nice.

We had already decided the day before we were going to go back to mine with Macey (Anita's eldest niece who is 17 months old since her younger one, Mia was going to have her needles done). Anyway, the point is today I finally got to test out the Rode Videomic and Velbon DV7000 tripod properly for the first time. Both performed beyond my expectations. I had a little scare with a bit of feedback when I was playing the footage back in the editor the first time but when I tried it 20 minutes ago without the mic attached to the camcorder it was fine, must be something to do with the mic being plugged in. Other than that crystal clear and nice and loud sound was what I wanted and what I got. Sure there is some worry with the GS250 not being about to monitor sound but with both the Mic and the Camcorder set to low cut it wasn't too much of a problem.

It was nice to finish off the day spending time with Anita's younger sister and Macey messing about in the paddling pool. Its really nice spending time with the kids because I missed that when I was growing up with my family really strict about other kids holding babies and toddlers. It's also a great learning experience for later on in life when me and Anita finally get round to having kids of our own.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Like A Kid On Christmas

So I finally got round to having a play with the Rode Videomic. Despite thinking it might be too big (read look stupid) but its actually quite smart. I'll stick some pictures up later with a more comprehensive review.

I'm going to be busy today, I didn't get to sleep till 4:30am this morning and I was up at 10am because of content... fun. I'm aout with Anita and her niece Macy today so I should have a nice day out with them later.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Sweat Fest...

Phew, just got out the shower (second in a day) because in the half an hour it took me to install the sound surround in our conservatory I went from being bone dry and well kept to a sweating hulk of a man desperate to get out of furnace that is my conservatory.

I might have survived temperatures of 42C+ in Australia but that bloody room is something else... anyway, time for a rest...

Manic Mon... oh, wait, its Tuesday

Oh what a day so far.

I finally got the content sorted on time. Thank god for that, but that was only to be told that I had no more preview content because we're up to date at least till next week. Oh well, I suppose I can't complain, it just means £30 quid less for me.

And to make things worse, my boss, Luke has just been winding me up because he's got two press events over the next two days. Splinter Cell tomorrow and Call of Duty 3 on Thursday... some people have all the fun.

On a more somber note though, I'd once again like to express my condolences to Luke and his family who i'm good friends with for the loss of his father who I never had the pleasure of meeting. From what Luke said of him he sounded like a great man and I'm sure Luke and his family will give him an absolutely stunning and appropriate funeral on Friday. Once again, my condolences Luke.

On a brighter note, my Rode Videomic arrived earlier today so now that i've just got to go and buy a battery (tight arses) and then i'll finally give it a blast.

Other than that i'll have a bit more of a mess around with VideoStudio 10+ later after I've sorted out some stuff with my bedroom (like tidying it for one) as well as moving the sound surround system downstairs to where the 360 is in the conservatory.

Once it's all done I'll be back... and the chat will continue.

And Now, Goodnight Mr Anderson...

Oh, just one last quick post before I hit the sack...

I just finished downloading the trial Version of Ulead VideoStudio 10+ and from what I managed to play around with so far its is amazing how much smoother it runs that pile of crap Pinnacle Studio turned out to be... thank god I didn't have to pay for that.

I'll give you guys a quick run down tomorrow after I've finished the content and hopefully I'll have a little video post up later today. Now, I'm really going to bed now...

Oh what a day...

Anyway, first proper post...

Yesterday wasn't the best of days for me... I slept in till 11:30am after I was meant to wake up at 10am. It was Anita's fault, she lost the main TV remote which is sort of like my morning boost of caffeine (since an actual boost of caffeine could kill me but that's for another time). Nothing to wake you up like News24.

Anyway, I eventually got up and booted up the PC after getting some breakfast for me and Anita. DND was what was up for review today... its ok, sort of like a fast paced shoots and not a title suited to being played on a S60 emulator, yes, thats right, a little secret, we review games on an S60 emulator to ensure we are handset agnostic. However, today was not one of those days since the emulator only works on the numbers above the letter keys and the game was set out for definite use on a mobile phone... now I couldn't do it on my phone which is a Windows Mobile 5.0 based T-Mobile MDA Pro so I had to borrow Anita's which in the interest of being handset agnostic won't be revealed. Lets just say the game got a whole lot better when I played it with a mobile phone.

Preview... Oh, the preview was funny. Now we were handed a long list of games to preview with enough for two weeks and a days worth of previews. As sods law would have it, the last preview is the game that is due for review later today. That game, Giana Sisters is a carbon copy clone of Mario Bros albeit with Mario and Luigi in drag. Either way, I'll bring you my opinion of the game later today when it's published on MobGames, which will naturally be after I've wrote it... naughty boy.

The other thing that was a major thing, well problem today was the stifling humidity. Yep, I might be Australian but that doesn't mean I don't feel the humidity any less than you do... Heat I might not be so bad with but humidity is irritating. I mean it isn't so bad with what I was wearing today but even so when I went to go out to the shed before I had to pass through the conservatory; one word... OVEN. Walking through there saw me turn from someone who was coping with the heat and humidity without any major problems thanks to my fan to someone who looked like they had just taken a bath with their clothes on. Thank god it wasn't too bad later on when it cooled down... shouldn't be too hard to sleep tonight.

Speaking of sleep...


I've finally got around to doing a proper blog and I firmly plan on maintaining it considering how much effort I've put in. Believe me, its far from finished, and in the next couple of weeks/months many things may or may not be changing.

Anyway, not point in long winded explanations about who I am and what I do... you'll find that out soon enough...

Just one little thing about this blog in particular. I'm planning on doing a weekly round up of things that have happened using video, so yes, I suppose I really should refer to this as my vlog. Over the next few weeks I'm going to be experimenting with a variety of video hosts to see which is best... you know the crowd, photobucket, youtube, googlevideo etc.