Anyway, first proper post...
Yesterday wasn't the best of days for me... I slept in till 11:30am after I was meant to wake up at 10am. It was Anita's fault, she lost the main TV remote which is sort of like my morning boost of caffeine (since an actual boost of caffeine could kill me but that's for another time). Nothing to wake you up like News24.
Anyway, I eventually got up and booted up the PC after getting some breakfast for me and Anita.
DND was what was up for review today... its ok, sort of like a fast paced shoots and not a title suited to being played on a S60 emulator, yes, thats right, a little secret, we review games on an S60 emulator to ensure we are handset agnostic. However, today was not one of those days since the emulator only works on the numbers above the letter keys and the game was set out for definite use on a mobile phone... now I couldn't do it on my phone which is a Windows Mobile 5.0 based T-Mobile MDA Pro so I had to borrow Anita's which in the interest of being handset agnostic won't be revealed. Lets just say the game got a whole lot better when I played it with a mobile phone.
Preview... Oh, the preview was funny. Now we were handed a long list of games to preview with enough for two weeks and a days worth of previews. As sods law would have it, the last preview is the game that is due for review later today. That game, Giana Sisters is a carbon copy clone of Mario Bros albeit with Mario and Luigi in drag. Either way, I'll bring you my opinion of the game later today when it's published on MobGames, which will naturally be after I've wrote it... naughty boy.
The other thing that was a major thing, well problem today was the stifling humidity. Yep, I might be Australian but that doesn't mean I don't feel the humidity any less than you do... Heat I might not be so bad with but humidity is irritating. I mean it isn't so bad with what I was wearing today but even so when I went to go out to the shed before I had to pass through the conservatory; one word... OVEN. Walking through there saw me turn from someone who was coping with the heat and humidity without any major problems thanks to my fan to someone who looked like they had just taken a bath with their clothes on. Thank god it wasn't too bad later on when it cooled down... shouldn't be too hard to sleep tonight.
Speaking of sleep...