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Ben's Blog

Friday, November 10, 2006

Get The Motor Running

Woohoo! Ok so maybe it's not as big a deal as it will be when I eventually pass it, I've just booked my first driving test for the 7th of December. Of course, even if I do pass that one my learning won't end there. I'm still planning on doing my passplus before I buy a car and insurance even though I managed to get a quote for £700 odd quid the other day on a Daewoo Matiz which is one of the cars I like to buy.

Oh well, fingers crossed I should pass it! Anyway, it's time to head out for a couple of drinks down the Wine Bar...

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Herman Munch - Episode 5

I've just been treated to a special preview of the latest episode of Herman Munch, The King of Diamonds and although you could say I am a bit biased, I'm still gonna say its a corker. It'd be up now except for some technical issues with GoogleVideo. I'll give everyone the heads up when its up.

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