< ht Ben's Blog: 2006-10-29 Ben

Ben's Blog

Friday, November 03, 2006

EA Makes My Day

Despite the hate that gamers have for Electronic Arts (some of it earned, some of it not) I do have to say that occasionally they come through and today is one of those day because buried in the anals of their latest financial report is the news that a new version of Simcity is in the works! Huzzah for EA. I can't wait to find out more details about it.

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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Darn it... Didn't Get It...

...not that to, to be honest I was expecting to, but alas, today I found out that I didn't get the producer role at Pro-G TV. Congratulations to the guys and girls who did get through to the last five though. I really hope the best man/woman gets the job because what the guys at Pro-G have planned is nothing short of extraordinary and could revolutionise games TV forever.

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I think I'll have a Wii

I've been debating whether or not to get a Nintendo Wii when it launches next month. On the one hand there are games like Red Steel that I can't wait to go hands on with... on the other its another £250+ that I could spend on other things.

Don't you just wish you had more money...

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

All Hallows Saturday Eve!

After the hangover from Friday I wasn't too sure if I was going to head out to the Halloween party I'd been invited to, I decided to anyway albeit steering clear of the drink. I'd had a pretty good night out on the Friday down Runcorn's Old Town (pictures to come) and didn't particularly want to ruin that by suffering any more.

I'm grateful that I did though because I had another good night. The decorations were amazing, and everyone was in a pretty good mood despite the fact that some of them had just got out of work. Anita's costume was amazing. It's been good to take some time out at the weekends; so much so that I think that I'm going to do it more often. It'll be good to let my hair down at the weekends. Keep an eye out for more pictures to come over the next couple of weeks because you're in for some corkers, especially when those from Friday night.

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Hello Mr Munch

Finally the fourth episode of Herman Munch is available for your viewing pleasure. Man did we have a lot of fun filming this one. A day out in the town park with plenty of equipment and ideas floating round so don't hesitate, press play.
