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Ben's Blog

Friday, July 14, 2006

Word Up!

So I've been using the second stage beta version of Microsoft Office 2007 which includes Word, Publisher, Outlook and co and so far I have to say I'm pretty impressed. Timed just right (for me at least anyway) is the total revamp and redesign of the software which now resembles something you'd expect to see on a Mac rather than PC. A nice new background and new navigation system mean you'll have to get used to the little difference but don't fret, the majority of them are all good.

Oh, and its a damn sight nicer to look at for hours on end too! Hurrah! Anyway, when you're staring at a screen for upto 8 hours a day it helps to have something nice to look at, especially when you're playing crap games like I had to put up with today.

So I'm getting used to dealing with the camcorder having a funny tint to it... Don't understand what I mean? I'll show you. So thats both the viewfinder and LCD screen like that. Fun times.

Anyway, two weeks to tomorrow I set off down to Dorset with my girlfriend's family for the week. Hopefully it'll be a good laugh and a nice opportunity to get away from it all.

Oh, and one last thing before I go. I've recently got back into playing Garry's Mod, a (you guessed it) mod for Half-Life 2 that sees you manipulating the environment and objects to your own end. It's by far the most fun i've had online for a while, and probably will remain that way for the next couple of weeks. There is just something enjoyable about making a plane out of a bunch of junk and a tank out of a dumpster on wheels. Whoooooo!

So anyway, I bid you adue for another day. I shall now head down the pub with my mates when they get back in from work about 8pm tonight from Manchester and East Runcorn. Ah the life of a games journalist and not having to commute.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Ok, first of all, sorry about the lack of posting over recent days. No other reason than I simply had too much to do to post.

Anyway, so I finally got my graduation tickets through in the post today, and the best thing about it is i'm one of the very few people to have gotten a 3rd ticket. Now I just have to work out who else to take... Anita, my nan etc... difficult choices to make. However, it isn't like whoever loses out won't be able to watch. LJMU as far as I know is one of the few universities that broadcast the ceremony live over the net, so if you want to watch check out this page on Wednesday 26th of July at 11am.

Besides that, my camcorders gone a bit funny with the viewfinder and LCD screen breaking. They still display the image albeit with the green or red tint to everything depending on the light. Doesn't affect the image recorded but it does mean that I'm going to have to put up with it throughout my graduation and holiday since the place which deals with Panasonic repairs said it could be weeks before the part comes through if they need to order it in. I'd rather not take the chance of missing the two things I mainly bought the camcorder for.

Oh, and Anita very kindly bought me the Scrubs season boxset 1-3 for my graduation so guess what i'll be watching later. Anyway, best get on with work.