A Life Defining Week...
So what on earth have I been doing? Well for one, last friday I had my first driving lesson, and I've just got back from my second. Its going ok, I'm getting used to changing gear on the move. It's weird because although I felt in complete control of the car in the first lesson (probably out of sheer fear), the second lesson felt more sureal.
And speaking of sureal. I graduated university on Wednesday. It was one hell of an experience and one that despite the three years of incredibly hard and often boring work was worth every second. It was over too quick.
The best metaphor for the experience is being on a roller coaster. You wait ages, watching everyone before you experience the thrill of the ride, then suddenly it's you up next. The attendees are checking your gowns and cap to make sure they're fitted correctly and sitting right, then the ride begins.
You slowly make your way up to the first dip, then you see it. You have the top taunting you because you know it's so close or in our case a runner telling us to hand the card to the speaker and smile all the way across. Then comes the drop, you walk up the ramp, hand the card to the speaker, they announce your name, everyone claps and screams, shake hands with the Vice Chancellor and Pro-Vice Chancellor then it's down the stairs, shake hands with the course leader, collect the alumni badge and it's back to your seat to wait for everyone else to finish. That's it, only thing left to do is wait for the Vice Chancellor to ask all graduands to stand and be proclaimed graduates. The outside for the group photo (which in our case the photographer didn't wait till everyone was outside and took it early (wanker) meaning not only me but a third of the graduates missed the photo).
Anyway, we (my mum, dad and Anita) all went to see my younger brother who works in Minksy's on Bold Street, Liverpool and then on to a posh restaurant. That was the day over and done with pretty much then since we headed home after that. Everyone had gone with their parents. Some i'll see again, others I won't. It's strange the feeling that you'll never see someone you've spent the last three years with seeing and talking to. It is sad, and can bring tears to the eyes but that's life, its time to move on an go into the big bad world.
But before that I have my holiday so once again I won't be posting because I'm on holiday away from the net as much as I am from home. Until next week when I'll have a major announcement to make ;) so stay tuned.