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Ben's Blog

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Drunken and Disorderly

Ok, so no I wasn't drunk and disordely exactly... well the disorderly part anyway.

Anyway, I haven't had the best of weekends. Our venutre into for money poker didn't exactly go to plan with too many people playing, with most not really being up to a level of being able to compenently play. I lost most of my money on a hand with two pairs, Ace Jack and a high card of 6. I got beat by an Ace Jack with a 7. What's the chances of that.

Anyway the Friday equalled it more than enough out to salvage the weekend. However, I ended up absolutely plastered (See picture) and eating pizza while sat in the middle of the road... not the smartest move I've ever made but meh, it was funny at the time.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting absolutely hammered at Luke's and hopefully I won't throw up this weekend...

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